October 16, 2024

The Impact of Social Media Use on Personal Injury Cases

Social Media and Personal Injury Claims: What You Need to Know

Navigating a personal injury claim? Your social media habits might be your biggest liability. Let's explore:

  • Why social media matters in personal injury claims
  • How to avoid common mistakes that can cost you
  • Tips for being safe online during your case proceedings

How Your Social Media Presence Can Affect Your Injury Claim

Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives, but it can quickly become a double-edged sword if you are involved in a personal injury case. When you are injured in an accident, one of the most important things to be aware of is that anything you, your family members, or any of your friends/followers post on social media can (and likely will) be used as evidence in your injury claim.

Social media can be utilized by both parties in many different ways, such as using it to demonstrate your credibility or using it to hurt your credibility.   Any information or content that is public on your social media accounts is essentially fair game as it can easily be accessed by an insurance adjuster or a defense attorney. It can also be taken out of context. For example, a single picture posted does not tell the full story of what you may be experiencing pain-wise or show what limitations you may have.

Understanding Social Media Discoverability in Your Case

It is important to be aware that while you are allowed to change your accounts privacy settings to the highest level, anything you post or what your friends/followers post about you may still be discoverable if a lawsuit is filed.   This means that merely making your account private will not protect you from the potential consequences of what you or people you are connected with post on social media.  

Additionally, you should not delete any posts or messages during the duration of your case as it can be seen as deleting evidence, even if it is not directly related to your accident.

Best Practices for Social Media During Your Injury Claim

Even if you are not involved in an ongoing personal injury claim, it is crucial to be cautious of anyone, especially people you do not personally know, who try to connect with you on social media whether it is a friend request or follow request. You never know if it could be an insurance adjuster or a defense attorney trying to get information to possibly use against you later.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is limit your social media usage until your case has concluded, and let your friends and family know what can happen if they post about you as well.

Let The Legal Team At Edgar Snyder & Associates Handle The Rest.

By following these guidelines, you're not just safeguarding your case – you're ensuring the best possible outcome for your personal injury claim. Contact Edgar Snyder today to discuss your case.

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