
Defective Farm Equipment


Injured by Defective Farm Equipment?

Working on a farm comes with certain risks—especially when you're operating heavy machinery and equipment. Farm tools require regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure their safety, but sometimes that's not enough.

Faulty parts and defective farm equipment can cause serious and even fatal injuries. How will your family—and farm—survive after an accident? Will you be able to work? What happens now? These are all questions you'll face after you're injured by a defective product.

We're here to help sort through the chaos and confusion of your accident. We'll help you plan for your financial future. We'll fight to recover money for your medical bills, and we'll handle the hassles while you focus on getting better.

Who Pays My Medical Bills?

If you or someone you love has been seriously hurt by a piece of farm equipment, you could be wondering how you will pay for your medical bills and support yourself and your family if you can't work because of your injury.

If your accident was caused because of a defect in a farm tool or piece of equipment, you could have a legal case against the manufacturer if there was a problem with:

  • the way it was manufactured,
  • the way is was assembled or
  • the way it was marketed

If your injuries were caused because of faulty maintenance or manufacturing, the person or company responsible for maintenance or manufacturing the equipment could be liable for your injuries.

Product liability cases are complex— there are insurance issues, strict deadlines, and confusing paperwork. Don't go it alone. Call the experienced product injury attorneys at Edgar Snyder & Associates. We will handle every aspect of your case so you can focus on what's most important: Your recovery.

Types of Defective Farm Equipment

People who work on farms understand that the tools and equipment they use can be dangerous when not used properly. Unfortunately, people are injured all too often in accidents that are beyond their control—accidents that are caused because of defective farm equipment.

In our more than three decades of experience, our product liability attorneys have seen nearly every type of defective farm equipment including:

  • Planters and balers
  • Plows and hoes
  • Mowers and tractors

  • Shredders, harvesters, and sprayers
  • And much more

If you or someone you love has been injured by a defective piece of farm equipment, call us today for a free case review.

Defective Farm Equipment Injuries

Defective products hurt scores of people each year—and accidents involving farm equipment can be among the most gruesome. Defective tractors, mowers, shredders, and other equipment cause debilitating and often lifelong injuries.

If you suffered one of the following injuries because of a defect in the tool you were using, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, time off work, and pain and suffering:

  • Broken bones
  • Crush injuries
  • Burns
  • Electrocution

  • Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputation injuries
  • And more

If you or someone you care about are dealing with a serious injury after being involved in an accident caused by a piece of defective farm equipment, call us today because you may have a product liability case, and could be eligible for money for medical bills, missed paychecks, and pain and suffering.

Do I Have a Case?

If you've been seriously injured by defective farm equipment and are wondering if you have a case, the most important thing you can do for yourself and your family is call an experienced product liability injury attorney right away.

The only way to determine whether you have a case is to discuss the details with a skilled legal professional. Call Edgar Snyder & Associates right now for a free case review. When you call our firm, our lawyers will gather all the details of your case and give you valuable information about what steps to take to protect your legal rights.

Don't delay—call us today for a free legal consultation. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose because at Edgar Snyder & Associates, there's never an obligation to use our services, and if we don't successfully handle your case, you won't pay a penny.

It's a promise we've kept since 1982: There's never a fee unless we get money for you.

Why Hire a Lawyer?

Accidents caused by defective farm equipment have serious consequences including time off work for surgery and other medical procedures—and you probably have many worries. Who will pay for your medical bills? How will you take care of your family and farm if you're too injured to work?

Here at Edgar Snyder & Associates, we don't think affording top-notch legal representation should be one of your worries.

Since 1982, our skilled product liability attorneys have helped accident injury victims get the money they deserve to compensate them for their medical bills, missed paychecks, and pain and suffering.

Product liability cases are confusing, and involve complex paperwork and strict deadlines. Hiring a skilled attorney ensures you will get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries.

When you hire Edgar Snyder & Associates, we put our more than 30 years of legal experience to work for you by:

  • Sending our team of investigators to gather and preserve the evidence in your case
  • Hiring, when necessary, experts to prove your farm equipment injury case
  • Researching every detail of the tool, machinery, or piece of equipment that caused your injuries
  • Gathering your medical bills and other documents needed to prove your case
  • Helping you make sense of your insurance policies, medical bills, and other paperwork—all of which can be confusing
  • Treating you like a person—not a case number—and keeping you updated on the status of your case in plain language you can understand
  • Understanding that traveling to an attorneys' office can be inconvenient when you've been hurt in a defective farm equipment accident. That's why, at Edgar Snyder & Associates, if you're too injured to come to our office, we will travel to you.

Call us today for a free case review—the quicker you call, the quicker we can get you the compensation you deserve.

5 Things to Do After a Defective Farm Equipment Accident

The steps you take immediately following an accident caused by a defective piece of farm equipment can greatly affect the success of your legal claim. Here are five steps to take after being injured because of a defect in a farm tool or piece of equipment:

  1. Get medical help. If you've been injured, seek medical attention. It's important to have a record of your injuries.
  2. Report the incident. Report the incident to your supervisor, and to your insurance company. However, it is important that you do not give a written or verbal statement, and never sign any paperwork before first speaking with an experienced attorney.
  3. Gather evidence. Take pictures of the accident scene, as well as the piece of equipment that caused your accident. If anyone witnessed the accident, get their contact information. When you can, write down your recollection of the event—as well as what you were doing right before it happened.
  4. Stay off social media. We understand that it may be tempting to share details of your accident on social media. Receiving support from friends and loved ones is important, but we urge you to refrain from posting about your injuries on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Your words could be twisted and used against you—which could greatly affect the outcome of your case.
  5. Call Edgar Snyder & Associates. When it comes to product liability cases, time is everything. Don't let valuable evidence disappear—call us today for a free case review. There's never an obligation to use our services, and there's never a fee unless we get money for you.

Remember: Be careful! If you say the wrong words or sign the wrong papers—even if the accident wasn't your fault—your case could be ruined forever. Call us now at 1-866-943-3427 and let us help you.

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