
How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

time limits

One of the most important things people who've been injured in accidents should realize is that, when it comes to filing a legal claim, time is NOT on their side.

That's because they have strict deadlines to file legal claims. These deadlines are known as statutes of limitation.

Statute of Limitations:
The time prescribed by a law in which a plaintiff can bring a lawsuit.

How Do Statutes of Limitations Affect My Claim?

Statutes of limitation are essentially deadlines that restrict the window of time where legal claims can be filed. These statutes of limitation differ depending on what type of accident occurred.

If you're wondering how long you have to file a claim, check out our statutes of limitations by state. This will allow you to conveniently understand the time limits you may face.

Every second counts following an accident. To ensure your legal case meets all legal deadlines, it's best to contact an experienced injury attorney as soon as possible. Edgar Snyder & Associates is available 24/7—call us today for a free case review.

When Should I Call?

We get it: A million things run through your mind after an accident: "How will I pay for my medical bills? When will I be able to return to work? Who's liable?"

If, "When should I call an attorney" is one of your questions, here's a good rule of thumb: Seek medical attention first, and then call an experienced lawyer.

There's a reason our telephone lines answer 24/7: So accident victims can call us as soon as possible for legal help.

First, there's your health to consider. Sometimes, injuries may seem minor right after the accident, but in actuality will require extensive surgeries and medical care that extend years into the future. Speaking with a lawyer before your injury becomes a financial struggle could be the best decision you ever make – especially when you're unable to work.

There's also valuable evidence to keep in mind. Don't let it disappear; call us today for a free case review. The sooner you call, the sooner we can send our investigators to the scene of the accident to preserve critical evidence, and put our over 35 years of experience to work for you.

Contact us today—in just a few minutes, we will answer all your legal questions. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain because at Edgar Snyder & Associates, there's never an obligation to use our services, and there's never a fee unless we get money for you.

What Happens When I Call?

If you or someone you care about has been seriously injured in an accident, the thought of calling a law firm for help might be a little overwhelming. For many people, it might be the first time they have needed to speak with an attorney.

Here are six things to expect when you call Edgar Snyder & Associates for a free case review:

  1. We'll ask some simple questions about your and your accident, including:
  • Your name
  • Contact information such as your address, phone number, and email address
  • The type—and date—of your accident
  1. We will want to know about what happened right after your accident. Some questions may include:
  • Was your accident documented? Was a police or other type of report filed?
  • Did your injuries require immediate medical attention? Were you taken to the hospital via ambulance?
  • Did your accident happen at work? If so, have you given notice to your employer? Have you filed for workers' compensation?
  1. We will seek details about insurance. Our questions could include:
  • Did you file a claim with your own insurance company?
  • Did you make a written or verbal statement to your insurance company or anyone else's?
  • Did your or anyone else accept fault for the accident?
  • Have you accepted any form of compensation?
  1. Our intake experts will ask about your injuries and medical treatment. We may ask:
  • What type of injuries did you suffer in the accident?
  • On what dates did you receive medical treatment?
  • Do you have a copy of the medical bills you've acquired since your accident?
  • Did you have surgery? Will you need surgery in the future? Will there be scarring?
  1. The amount of time off work will be discussed.
  • Have you missed work?
  • Are you still off work?
  • How long did the doctor say you should take off work before returning to your job?
  1. We'll confirm you have an attorney representing you.

When you call, it's helpful to have documentation to refer to—everything from your medical bills to your insurance policies.

Don't delay—call Edgar Snyder & Associates for a free case review today.

How Long Will It Takes?

When you've been seriously injured in a car accident, have medical bills piling up, and are too injured to return to work you may be asking yourself, "How long will my case take?"

The truth is, every case is unique—and some will take longer than other. Unfortunately, it's impossible to predict right away how long your case will take.

Injury cases involve many moving parts, including:

  • The accident type
  • Your injuries—and current and future medical needs
  • Available evidence
  • Whether the insurance company is willing to offer a fair settlement
  • Whether you need to file suit or are able to settle
  • The overall complexity of your case

However, this is what we can promise to you: Our attorneys and legal staff have one unified goal—to win your case as quickly as possible without compromising your compensation.

Please know that whether your case takes a month or a year to resolve, when you hire Edgar Snyder & Associates, we'll listen to your concerns and allow you to make the decision to accept and offer from the insurance company or press on in the legal process.

We're available 24/7 to answer your legal questions—call Edgar Snyder & Associates today for a free case review. There's never an obligation to use our services and there's never a fee unless we get money for you!

Contact Our Law Firm Anytime—We Can Help

No matter what type of accident you've been injured in time is of the essence. The longer you wait to call an attorney, the more difficult it will be to track down witnesses, gather medical records, and obtain crucial evidence.

Call Edgar Snyder & Associates now for a free case review. When you call, our experienced legal team will do everything we can to ensure the best-possible outcome of your case. There's never an obligation to use our services, and you won't pay us a penny unless we successful win or settle your case.

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