
Motorcycle Accident Statistics

motorcyle accident statistics

Motorcycle Accident Statistics for Pennsylvania

According to the US Department of Transportation, there are about 8.3 million registered motorcycles on the road in the United States as of 2020. Driving a motorcycle is appealing for many reasons, such as the versatility and lower costs, and the freedom and fun of riding one.

While owning a motorcycle comes with many advantages, keep in mind that there are also serious safety risks involved. Motorcyclists face more threats on the road than most drivers, and they are especially vulnerable when faced with drivers who are negligent, unaware, or unwilling to share the road.

It is important that all motorcyclists, and drivers who are on the road with them, are aware of the threat of motorcycle accidents. We hope that the motorcycle accident statistics we've compiled will prepare you for the dangers of the road in order to avoid any future accidents.

The following figures were the most up-to-date statistics at the time of our latest research. If you have any questions, or require more recent information, please refer to our sources at the bottom of this page for more information.

2020 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • There were 3,398 accidents in 2020, a 14.14% increase from 2019.
  • 2,960 crashes resulting in injuries
  • 215 Fatal Accidents - makes up 20.3% of all fatal vehicle accidents in the state

2019 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • There were 2,977 accidents in 2019, a 9.69% increase from 2018.
  • 2,620 crashes resulting in injuries
  • 175 Fatal Accidents - makes up 17.7% of all fatal vehicle accidents in PA

2018 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • There were 2,714 accidents in 2018, a 15.83% decrease from 2017
  • 2,394 Injuries (crashes resulting in injuries)
  • 159 Fatal Accidents - makes up 14.4% of all fatal vehicle accidents in the state

2017 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • There were 3,194 accidents in 2017, a 7.5 percent decrease from 2016
  • Fatal motorcycle injuries decreased 4.8 percent from 2016
  • Pennsylvania ranked fourth most in motorcycle fatalities in 2017 with 184 fatalities

2016 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • PA motorcycle accidents make up only 2.7 percent of total crashes, but 17.4 percent of total fatalities.
  • In 2016, total motorcycle crashes increased 1.2 percent from 2015 while fatal motorcycle crashes increased 7.3 percent from 2015.
  • Of the 192 fatalities in 2016 involving motorcycle drivers or passengers, 174 (90.6 percent) were drivers and 18 (9.4 percent) were passengers.
  • Only 4 percent of total motorcyclists wearing helmets suffered fatal injuries. Of riders not wearing helmets, 6.4 percent were killed in crashes.

2016 National Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • Nationwide, helmets saved the lives of 1,859 motorcyclists of all ages in 2016, according to NHTSA estimates.
  • An additional 802 lives could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets.
  • Motorcyclist fatalities increased by 257 (5.1 percent), the largest number of fatalities since 2008.

2014 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics

  • In 2014, there were 3,284 motorcycle accidents.
  • 186 of these accidents were fatal.
  • 173 deaths were drivers, while 13 were passengers.
  • 2,921 riders were injured.
  • Total motorcycle accidents decreased by 4.2% from 2013.
  • Fatal motorcyle accidents rose 5.1% from 2013.
  • Of those deaths, 53.2% of riders were not wearing a helemt.

2014 National Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • There are more single vehicle motorcycle accident claims than rear-end, intersection, and unrecovered combined.
  • Summer was the most common time for an accident. July specifically had the most accident claims.

2013 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • In 2013, there were 3,427 motorcycle accidents
  • 181 deaths were recorded from these accidents
  • Of the 181 deaths, 9 were passengers
  • 3,034 riders were injured
  • Total motorcycle accidents decreased 14% from 2012
  • Fatal motorcycle accidents decreased 14.6% from 2012
  • In 51.9% of fatal accidents, riders weren't wearing helmets

2013 National Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • Motorcyclists are 5 times more likely to be injured in a crash than cars
  • 88,000 motorcyclists were injured in 2013
  • There were 4,668 motorcycle accident fatalities in 2013
  • NHTSA estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,630 motorcyclists in 2013

2012 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • In 2012, there were 3,985 motorcycle accidents
  • 210 motorcyclists were killed in accidents
  • Of the 210 killed, 10 were passengers
  • 3,919 riders were injured
  • Number of collisions increased 8.6% from 2011
  • Fatal motorcycle accidents increased by 2.5% from 2011
  • 49% of fatal accident riders weren't wearing helmets

2011 PA Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • In 2011, there were 3,641 motorcycle accidents
  • 200 deaths were recorded from these accidents
  • Of the 200 killed, 10 were passengers
  • 3,606 riders were injured
  • Motorcycle accidents decreased 9.4% from 2010
  • There was a 6.5% decrease in fatal motorcycle accidents from 2010
  • 47.2% of fatal accident riders weren't wearing helmets

2010 PA Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • In 2010, there were 4,018 motorcycle accidents
  • 223 motorcyclists were killed in accidents
  • Of the 223 killed, 21 were passengers
  • 3,930 riders were injured
  • Motorcycle accidents increased 7.5% from 2009
  • Fatal motorcycle crashes increased 9.7% from 2009
  • 55.6% of fatal motorcycle accident riders weren't wearing helmets

For more yearly statistics of Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents, visits PennDot's website for their Crash Facts and Statistic Books.

Other Interesting Motorcycle Statistics

The following statistics occurred on a national scale. We've compiled the data into some important points we think you should know:

  • Bikers are 35 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than cars
  • 93,000 motorcyclists were injured in 2012
  • 4,957 fatal motorcycle accidents were recorded in 2012
  • Without a helmet, motorcyclists are 40% more likely to die of head injury
  • Riders are 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury without a helmet

Injured in a Motorcycle Wreck? Call Us Now!

We have a history of helping injured motorcyclists. Since 1982, we've been recovering compensation for our injured motorcycle clients and protecting their legal rights. As bikers, it's dangerous when other motorists don't share the road. It can lead to accidents that cause serious, lasting injuries that can change your life forever. We can help put your life back on track.

Call our legal professionals at 412-844-2455 or simply fill out our free legal consultation in the top right corner of this page. We'll review your case for free, and there's absolutely no obligation to use our services. We can answer your legal questions and determine the best options for your case.

"There's Never a Fee" – That's Our Guarantee!

It won't cost you anything to call us. If you hire our attorneys, we'll cover all your upfront costs, we'll keep the insurance companies from pushing you around, and we'll fight to get you the maximum amount of money you deserve. If we don't win your case, you won't pay us anything. That's our guarantee. Don't hesitate. Call us now.

"PA Among Nation's Deadliest State for Motorcyclists"

"2017 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics" PA Department of Transportation.

"2016 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics" PA Department of Transportation.

"Traffic Safety Facts 2016" NHTSA.

Motorcycle Crashes" by the Insurance Information Institute.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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