OSHA Violations

We Help Injured Workers
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) is responsible for enforcing health and safety regulations in Americas workplaces. All workers, employers, and manufacturers must comply with OSHAs standards aimed at providing safe working environments. When OSHAs rules and codes are ignored, the consequences can be dangerous or even fatal.
Workplace accidents and injuries have the potential to end your career and, when this happens, you deserve to be compensated. You may not even know if your injury was caused by an OSHA violation, but our attorneys and legal staff work with experts to determine this and more. If you're wondering where to go from here, call our law firm at 412-545-6104 or fill out the form at the top right of this page. You have nothing to lose – we'll tell you if you have a case for free and you'll have no obligation to use our services.
Types of OSHA Violations
There are four different types of OSHA workplace violations:
- Willful: An OSHA requirement is knowingly ignored
- Serious: A workplace hazard could cause a serious or potentially fatal accident or injury
- Repeated: The workplace was previously cited for the same violation
- Other-than-serious: A condition exists that could impact workplace health and safety, but does not have the potential to cause serious accidents or injuries
Most employers are required to prominently display an OSHA poster informing employees of their workplace safety rights and obligations.
Common Violations
OSHA's most frequently violated regulations relate to industrial accidents. When these safety regulations aren't followed, dangerous or even fatal accidents can occur.
Workplaces are most commonly cited for violations of the following OSHA regulations:
Fall protection
Fall protection must be provided for those in the construction industry working at elevations of six feet or higher. In addition, OSHA mandates that fall protection be in place for all employees working above dangerous machinery, no matter what the elevation.
OSHAs general requirements for scaffolding emphasize safety measures for fall protection and weight capacity.
OSHA has regulations related to the weight all ladders should be capable of supporting and safe design of ladder rungs, cleats, and steps.
Machine guarding
Any potentially dangerous moving machine part must be enclosed by a guard, cover, shield, or railing. These safeguards can protect workers from injuries such as crushed hands, amputations, burns, or blindness.
Powered industrial trucks
Powered industrial trucks include fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, or any other industrial truck powered by an electric motor or internal combustion engine. These worksite vehicles need to be equipped with fire protection, design, and maintenance safety measures.