
Prepare Your Motorcycle for Winter

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Prepare Your Bike for Winter Storage

As the cold weather creeps in and snow invades the forecast, you may choose to put your bike in storage. Most dealers will offer storage plans, but these plans can be expensive to reserve, and they won't afford you the opportunity to work on your bike in your free time. We can help you "winterize" your bike and save you money at the same time.

Spring-like day and went for a ride? Make sure to watch out for weathered roads. If you've been injured in a motorcycle accident, we're here to help. Call our legal professionals for a free case review. We'll answer your questions and examine your unique situation. We can determine if you have a case for compensation.

Call us at 412-837-8403 or simply fill out our free online legal consultation located in the top right corner of this page. There's no obligation to use our services, so don't hesitate. Call us today!

Tips to Winterize Your Bike

Prepping your motorcycle for winter can be easy and relatively cheap. Just keep these pointers in mind:

  • Keep it Dry – Store your motorcycle in a dry area that isn't in direct sunlight. If there's room, keep it indoors.
  • Keep it Covered – Buy a high quality cover that's breathable. Make sure it's waterproof if you're storing your bike outside.
  • Keep it Clean – Wash and wax your motorcycle before it's stored. This will remove all the grime, dirt, sand, salt, and other corrosive elements that could hurt your bike.
  • Keep it Up – Prevent your bike's tires from resting on a cold garage floor all winter. We recommend parking it on wooden boards or putting it on stands.

Additional Points to Consider When Storing Your Bike

  • Fill the tank and add fuel stabilizer. Make sure you use fresh fuel and fresh stabilizer.
  • Change the oil filter, because the byproducts of used oil are very corrosive.
  • Drain your carburetor by turning off the main gas valve from the tank, opening the petcock, and then closing the valve when it stops flowing.
  • Keep mice out by filling a few sandwich bags with steel wool and placing them into the air intake and tailpipes. Mark these spots with red tape so you'll remember to remove them before you ride again.
  • Lubricate the chain and pivot points to prevent rusting over the winter.
  • Remove your battery or install a maintainer to keep your battery fresh for the spring.
  • Check your antifreeze and coolant before you store the bike. Make sure the levels are correct.
  • Spray your bike with WD-40 to help prevent corrosion. Hose the bike off when winter ends to remove the leftover WD-40.

The winter can also be a great time to look into some off-season ideas for upgrading your biking experience. Check out our Off-Season Ideas for more information.

When spring comes along, make sure you take a look at our Motorcycle Safety Checklist before you ride. We want you to stay safe when you're on the road, so make sure you check your bike.

We're Here to Help Injured Bikers

Since 1982, we've recovered millions of dollars in settlements that have assisted injured motorcyclists get their lives back on track. We're here to help you too. We'll fight to recover the all the compensation you deserve for your motorcycle accident injuries. We believe in our clients, and they believe in us. See what they're saying:

If you hire our experienced attorneys, we'll cover your upfront fees, send investigators to collect evidence, and fight pushy insurance companies from forcing you into a cheap settlement. We'll help you move on with your life and plan for the future.

Call Us Today!

We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help with your motorcycle accident claim. Call us at 412-837-8403 or fill out our free online legal consultation in the top right corner. Our case reviews are simple, quick, and absolutely free.

We'll answer your questions and give you the help you deserve. If you don't receive compensation for your injuries, you won't have to pay us anything. That's our guarantee. Don't wait any longer, because there are time limits to filing your claim. Call us today!

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