
Types of SSD Benefits


Social Security disability benefits (also called Social Security disability insurance) consist of several programs that provide payments and other benefits to those who are disabled and their families.

SSD benefits may include cash payments and medical coverage. The type of benefits you receive depends on your financial situation and what you qualify for based on the Social Security Administration (SSA) guidelines.

SSD Benefits Overview

Those who are unable to work because of a physical disability or mental health condition may be eligible for SSD benefits.

To qualify, you must be diagnosed by a physician or specialist, be following a treatment plan, and see your doctor regularly. Your disease or disability must prevent you from working and completing normal daily tasks.

Children of adults who receive SSD benefits may be eligible to receive them as well.

To find out if you're eligible, or if your child is eligible, to receive SSD benefits, contact the Social Security Administration.

SSD Benefits for People Ages 50 and up

Eligibility for SSD benefits is different for people ages 50 to full retirement age than it is for those under 50. The only way to find out if you're eligible is to contact the SSA.

Widow's Benefits

A widow or widower who is considered disabled by the SSA can receive benefits at age 50 if he or she meets the guidelines for eligibility – especially if the deceased spouse was the primary breadwinner. The widow or widower needs to be found disabled within 7 years after the spouse's death. He or she can be found disabled prior to the spouse's death, but can't collect benefits until after the date of death.

Survivor's Benefits

Survivor's Benefits may be paid to certain family members if the person who died paid into the Social Security system and earned enough credits. Those who may qualify include:

  • A widow or widower at full retirement age (full benefits)
  • A widow or widower age 60+ (reduced benefits)
  • A disabled widow or widower age 50 or above
  • A widow or widower who takes care of the child of the deceased person, if the child is under 16 or is disabled and receives Social Security benefits
  • Children under 18 who aren't married, or under 19 if they are attending elementary or secondary school full-time
  • A child who was disabled before age 22 and is still disabled
  • Stepchildren, grandchildren, or adopted children (under certain circumstances only)
  • Parents age 62 or older who are dependents
  • A former spouse, if the marriage lasted 10 years or more

Note: Generally, a widow or widower can't receive benefits if he or she remarries before age 60 (50 if disabled), unless that marriage ends in death, divorce, or annulment. Getting remarried after age 60 (50 if disabled) does not affect a person's eligibility for Survivor's Benefits.

Denied SSD Benefits? Want Help Applying?

The only way to find out if you're eligible for SSD benefits is to contact the Social Security Administration.

If you have questions about SSD benefits, need help applying, or your application was denied, contact Edgar Snyder & Associates today. The claims process is a long and complicated one – we have decades of experience helping people get the SSD benefits they need.

Call 412-668-5335, or fill out the form at the top right to get a no obligation, free legal consultation.

Learn more about the types of Social Security disability benefits by reading our Social Security disability articles and resources.

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