Bipolar Disorder

Are you, or someone you love, suffering from bipolar disorder?
If so, you know that your life can be a roller coaster ride. Depending on the type of bipolar disorder you have, you may experience manic and mixed episodes, followed by major depressive states. You may have bipolar disorder so severe that it prevents you from working.
You may qualify for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, but unfortunately the government denies the majority of claims – even for people who are entitled to receive benefits.
Suffering from bipolar disorder isn't your fault. If the Social Security Administration denied your claim, don't give up. Trust Edgar Snyder & Associates to help you get the SSD benefits you need to pay your bills.
Social Security Disability - Eligibility
Whether you suffer from Bipolar I, Bipolar II, or Cyclothymia, you must meet certain criteria to be considered eligible for SSD benefits. Your bipolar disorder must:
- Prevent you from working full-time in any capacity
- Have lasted, or must be expected to last, for at least 12 months
- Be life-threatening
Because there are many symptoms of bipolar disorder, and also because they can be symptoms of other mental health conditions, it's critical to be under the care of a psychiatrist. He or she should diagnose you officially. You should see your psychiatrist regularly and follow a prescribed treatment plan. Failing to do so will likely make you ineligible for SSD or benefits.
To qualify for SSD benefits, you must have worked long enough, and recently enough, to have paid into the Social Security system. If you aren't eligible for SSD benefits, you may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits instead.
Get Experienced Legal Help You Can Trust
At Edgar Snyder & Associates, we've seen how patients with bipolar disorder and their families suffer. That's why we've helped thousands of people get the SSD benefits they need.
Thousands of people with disabilities and diseases apply for SSD benefits every day. Because the Social Security Administration denies the majority of applications, hiring a lawyer could mean the difference between whether or not you collect SSD benefits.
When you hire our law firm, you can trust that we'll treat you with respect, answer your questions about disability benefits, and lead you through the complex SSD claims process. We have an entire department devoted to Social Security disability cases. The Social Security Administration will treat you like a claim number, while we'll treat you like a person.
What We Do for You
If you haven't applied for SSD benefits and you have questions, we can help you apply.
If your application was denied, it's crucial to act quickly. You have only 60 days to appeal. Otherwise, the process starts all over again.
We win the majority of appeals for our clients. We help you by:
- Gathering documents from your Social Security file
- Gathering medical records and reports
- Gathering other types of evidence for your claim
- Answering questions you may have
- Talking with your doctor about your bipolar disorder and how it makes you unable to work
- Telling you what to expect at your Social Security hearing
- And more
Best of all, if we help you apply or handle your appeal and you don't receive SSD benefits – you won't owe us anything. There really is "Never a fee unless we get money for you."
Call for a Free Legal Consultation of Your SSD Claim
Do you suffer from severe bipolar disorder? Are you unable to work and pay your medical bills? Do you have multiple serious mental health conditions? If so, contact Edgar Snyder & Associates right away.
We can help you apply for SSD benefits. If your application was denied, we can help you appeal and get the benefits you deserve. Remember, you have only 60 days to file an appeal.
Get started with a no obligation, free legal consultation. Call 412-618-1472, or fill out our free legal consultation form. Our phones answer 24/7, so contact us today.