
Did Poor Signage Lead to Your Accident?

bad road sign

As drivers, we often take road signs for granted. They direct us and keep drivers safe. But what happens when a sign is hidden, missing, or just plain wrong?

Sadly, many serious accidents happen because of this. If someone needs direction, bad signage can cause panic. When drivers panic, they may freeze up or make snap decisions. Both can lead to accidents that could have been avoided if signs were properly posted. This confusion can be made even worse by a construction zone – they have their own signs that, even when properly posted, might be confusing or not match up to what workers are doing at the moment.

If you were in a crash and believe missing, hidden, or incorrect road signs caused it or made it worse, you don't have to blame yourself. You may have a case.

We Get You Money for Your Injuries Due to Dangerous Road Signs

Since 1982, we've helped thousands of car accident victims, including people who were injured because of poor signage and bad road conditions.

From the moment you hire our highly rated law firm, you can expect the best. We go to work for you by:

  • Investigating the scene of the car accident
  • Determining what caused the accident
  • Gathering evidence and taking photos that support your case
  • Protecting your rights
  • Standing up to insurance companies that don't have your best interest in mind
  • Covering upfront costs
  • Keeping track of deadlines and answering your legal questions
  • Dealing with your medical bills and paperwork

Most importantly, we take the worries off your hands and get you the money you deserve – so you can focus on getting better.

And remember, there's never a fee unless we get money for you, so you have nothing to lose.

Don't Lose Evidence - Contact Us Now

Don't wait another moment – bad road signs could be replaced or fixed if you wait too long to contact us. Plus, if you have a case and need to file against the state or a local government in Pennsylvania, you must give written notice within six months of the date your car accident happened.

Contact us day or night for an consultation of your case. It's absolutely free, and there are no strings attached. Let Edgar Snyder help you get back on the road to recovery.

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