
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Social Security Disability Benefits


If you suffer from multiple sclerosis and its many complications, you know that it's a life-changing disease.

Your own body's immune cells attack your nervous system, causing problems like:

  • Walking
  • Vision loss
  • Cognitive problems
  • Depression and other mental health conditions
  • Slurred speech
  • Extreme fatigue
  • And more

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is incurable, and the disorder can become chronic – especially for those who have frequent attacks, which can last days, weeks, and even months at a time.

If your MS has become so severe that it prevents you from working for at least 12 months, you're probably frustrated and stressed. There's no telling how long you might not be able to make a living, and you need money to pay your bills. You may qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

Unfortunately, the Social Security Administration denies over three-fourths of initial applications. If your claim was denied, contact our law firm immediately. You only have 60 days to file an appeal.

If you have questions and need help applying, we can do that too.

Eligibility for SSD and SSI Benefits

Multiple sclerosis is a tricky disease, because it acts like many other diseases of the nervous system. It affects many patients differently – some may experience chronic pain and complications, while others lead a normal lifestyle.

If your multiple sclerosis is severe, make sure you're undergoing treatment and are seeing a specialist regularly. The Social Security Administration's evaluation process is tough and complicated, and you want to increase your chances of being approved.

If your claim was denied but you're eligible for SSD or SSI benefits, contact Edgar Snyder & Associates today. You can't control your multiple sclerosis, and you shouldn't be just a number to the Social Security Administration.

We can help you by:

  • Gathering medical records and reports
  • Gathering evidence for your claim
  • Gathering documents from your Social Security file
  • Answering questions you may have
  • Talking with your doctor about your condition and how it makes you unable to work
  • Telling you what to expect at your Social Security hearing
  • And more

Most importantly, we win the majority of appeals for our clients. And because there's never a fee unless we get money for you, you have nothing to lose. Trust our experienced attorneys to cut through the red tape and get you the benefits you need.

SSD Benefits Application Denied? Get Legal Help Now

If you suffer from severe complications from multiple sclerosis, but your claim was denied, don't waste any time. Contact Edgar Snyder & Associates at 412-850-4790, or fill out the form at the right.

Remember, you only have 60 days to file an appeal. Hiring an attorney may mean the difference between collecting SSD benefits or not, so get started today.

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