January 1, 2019

Giving Back Spotlight: Trooper Kenton Iwaniec Foundation


Giving Back Spotlight: Trooper Kenton Iwaniec Foundation

Kenton's Story

On the night of March 27, 2008, Pennsylvania State Trooper Kenton Iwaniec completed his shift at the Avondale barracks and started to drive home, heading south on Route 41. He only made it two miles.

A black Chevy Tahoe was driving north on Route 41 with its headlights turned off. The driver was cutting other cars off, her 4-year-old son strapped in the backseat. The Tahoe didn’t break or swerve before it crossed the center line, hit the driver’s side of a pickup truck, and then crashed into Trooper Iwaniec’s car head-on at 73 miles per hour.

Kenton was rushed to the hospital by helicopter but did not survive surgery. His were the only serious injuries sustained in the accident.

Lab results would later show that the other driver’s blood alcohol content was .34 percent—more than four times the legal limit—and that she had consumed Oxycodone. She was charged with homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence, endangering the welfare of children, recklessly endangering another person, and related charges. She was sentenced to 8 ½ to 17 years in prison.

Trooper Kenton Iwaniec had three sisters and loving parents. He loved to fish, hunt, and play sports. His father was his best friend, and his friends called him “the Shepherd” because he was always willing to help anyone.

His family continues to mourn his loss.

[Kenton] lived life with honor and dignity. He had an innate gift of genuine kindness, a radiating love, a contagious energy, and a sincere desire to serve… Our family is now forced to live with a deep emptiness echoing through each of us. Our hearts are broken and they cannot be repaired." -The Iwaniec Family
Trooper Iwaniec pictures

The Trooper Kenton Iwaniec Foundation

Trooper Iwaniec’s family has dedicated their lives to honoring his memory. Kenton’s mother, Debby Iwaniec, serves as the president of the Trooper Kenton Iwaniec Foundation. She says that although the foundation bears Kenton’s name, it’s for all DUI victims and their families. Its mission is to honor the victims of drunk and drugged driving, support law enforcement in their efforts to keep our roads safe, and encourage the community to be a positive influence in the fight to reduce impaired driving.

We have proudly supported one of the foundation’s annual events for many years. The Trooper Kenton Iwaniec TakeOff Memorial Race raises awareness about the seriousness of impaired driving. All profits from the race go toward the purchase of DUI breathalyzers for the PA State Troopers and other law enforcement agencies.

Over the years, the race has raised over $700,000, enough to provide almost 1,600 breathalyzers to officers.

How You Can Get Involved

We encourage anyone who is interested in getting involved to learn more about the Trooper Kenton Foundation. Whether it’s participating in the 5K, volunteering, or spreading the word, there are ways you can be a part of sharing this important message and furthering the foundation’s mission

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